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hamilton photographer - full service studio
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February 16, 2015
Well … I couldn’t decide between 2 proposal stories, so I’ve decided that this year there will be TWO winners for the Valentine’s Giveaway. I’m so excited for the opportunity to work with both of these awesome couples!! They’ve both given me permission to share their stories …
Lindsey & Jeremy (getting married October 2, 2015):
“Jer & I have been together for 5 blissful years and have lived together for 3 of those years as we didn’t want to be apart, I spent more time at his house than mine, it had made sense to take the next step. These last few months, our family and maybe a little bit of myself, started dropping hints to Jer about taking things further. Unknown to me, and others, Jer had bought a beautiful ring months ago. He was SO nervous that someone had found out but as he now had the ring, when people mentioned getting married he was something he noticed more. We went away on vacation January 25th of this year to the beautiful island of Curacao. He proposed to me on a late night walk and I was so surprised! As much as I dropped hints throughout time, he always threw me off and I can be quite naive. So when he asked to go check out the full moonlight reflection on the ocean, I was like ” okay” la da di no big deal I’m in a pj top and maxi skirt, no makeup, hair full of salt water, never looked better hahaha We strolled along the pathway, he said something that made me turn around to look at him, and he was on his knee, told me he loved me more than life itself, how happy we make each other and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes! I shouted so loud, I’m sure I woke up other people on the resort.The rest is history but our future is just the beginning of our love story.”
Kate & Cory (getting married July 25, 2015):
“Cory,myself and our son N were in our bedroom on a quiet Tuesday evening. I was in the middle of changing the crib sheets and Cory was in the middle of changing N,or so I thought. N was lying on the change table with dada standing above him. Cory kept looking at me then back to our son,then looking at me then back to our son,this kept happening. Finally I asked him what his problem was,why do you keep looking at me funny. Then as I walked over I saw a beautiful ring tied in a blue ribbon on our sons ancle. Cory then got on his knee and proposed to me. Best day ever. We can not wait to celebrate our wedding at the Cambridge Mill July 25,2015.
Kate and Cory”
I loved both of these stories because they were so real and unassuming! Pj tops, no makeup … these are my kinda people!!
Congrats on your wins … $1000 each to go towards your photography packages!!
That’s it ’til next time …
xoxo, Melissa
© Moments by Melissa Miller
© Moments by Melissa Miller
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