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this is where my clients get to tell their stories through my lens.
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The Millers haven’t done a joint family vacation since Aylah was in my tummy … so we were well overdue.  If you follow me on Instagram you will know that we’ve been in Florida for the past week having a fantastic time and making awesome memories for our 4 little Miller girls. We stayed in […]


February 7, 2020

Millers Do Florida

The Millers haven’t done a joint family vacation since Aylah was in my tummy … so we were well overdue.  If you follow me on Instagram you will know that we’ve been in Florida for the past week having a fantastic time and making awesome memories for our 4 little Miller girls. We stayed in […]

Well, it’s finally here.  The much anticipated “birthday party post”.  This past November Aylah celebrated her SEVENTH birthday (I’m not crying, you’re crying).  This theme was SO much fun to do.  It was sort of a circus/carnival hybrid.  I wanted the big top and the wild animals from a circus, but I wanted the games […]


January 10, 2020

Aylah’s Circus Party

Well, it’s finally here.  The much anticipated “birthday party post”.  This past November Aylah celebrated her SEVENTH birthday (I’m not crying, you’re crying).  This theme was SO much fun to do.  It was sort of a circus/carnival hybrid.  I wanted the big top and the wild animals from a circus, but I wanted the games […]

Aylah has been asking for one of these motorized cars for a couple of years now and we were never willing to spend the $400+ on something she would outgrow so quickly, so we completely benched the idea.  Last summer I randomly came across a FB marketplace ad for this larger one (since she’s already […]


December 26, 2019

Christmas Morning 2019

Aylah has been asking for one of these motorized cars for a couple of years now and we were never willing to spend the $400+ on something she would outgrow so quickly, so we completely benched the idea.  Last summer I randomly came across a FB marketplace ad for this larger one (since she’s already […]

We are in full swing Christmas mode over here at the Millers now and I couldn’t be happier!! Big shout out to my good friend Tonia from Delicate Impressions who asked Aylah and Mosby to model for her a while back.

Christmas, Personal

December 2, 2019

Beary Merry Christmas

We are in full swing Christmas mode over here at the Millers now and I couldn’t be happier!! Big shout out to my good friend Tonia from Delicate Impressions who asked Aylah and Mosby to model for her a while back.

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