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Woodland Birthday Party

  1. Chealsey says:

    Hi there! You did such a great job with everything, I love it all! I was just wondering where you bought the picks for the s’mores marshmallows. I’m planning on doing those for my son’s birthday coming up.

    Thanks so much!

    • Hi Chealsey,
      I got them from Michaels. They are the sticks used for rock candy if that helps. I’m sure you could find them online somewhere if you used that search term.
      xoxo, Melissa

  2. Abby says:

    Where did you get the find the woodland animal behinds for the cupcakes?

  3. Elaine says:

    Melissa i’m blown away by your incredible talent and enthusiasm! I’m interested in the cake… Are the animal toppings fondant?

  4. Heather Somori says:

    Can you please tell me the font you used for the food label cards. Was it done with your cricut in writing mode?

  5. Mel D says:

    What size mason jars are the smore’s take-aways?
    Absolutely love all of this!

  6. […] Candy Swiss Rolls as "Fire Logs" S'mores Marshmallow Pops Veggie […]

  7. Monica marinkov says:

    Hello- everything looks wonderful! Could you tell me how many yards of fabric you used to get your burlap sacks for the trail mix bar? Thank you!


    Where did you purchase the trail mix holding bags?
    They can be very handy for my woodland theme baby shower.

  9. Pesta Fiesta says:

    Melissa’s woodland-themed birthday party is an enchanting celebration of nature and imagination! From the rustic decor to the adorable animal accents, every detail captures the magic of the forest. It’s inspiring to see how she brought her vision to life, creating a whimsical and memorable experience for all. Well done, Melissa!

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